     Find the Maximum Record
     PRODUCT:   R:BASE                VERSION:  4.5 or Higher
     CATALOG:   Programming in R:BASE AREA   :  Logic & Data Manipulation
     Suppose you want to find the last date on which a customer ordered
     product, or the last date on which a customer paid, or was called,
     or was sent a mailing; but for each customer, the last date is
     different. A report like this for all the customers in California,
     for example, might have a different last date for each customer.
     You can't use the special WHERE clause operators LIMIT or COUNT; they
     won't find different rows for each person. You might think of trying
     WHERE COUNT = LAST AND custid = 1001, but COUNT = LAST is a special
     condition that finds the last row in the table. It can't be combined
     with any other condition in the WHERE clause.
     You can find the last record for a customer using SELECT functions and
     a correlated sub-SELECT. The sub-SELECT uses the MAX function to
     generate a list with the last record for each customer. That list is
     then compared with the data in the main table.
     Following is a step-by-step explanation showing how to build a SELECT
     command that selects transaction information about the last
     transaction for each customer.
     First select just the customer id and the maximum date. This is the
     basis of the technique. A GROUP BY clause on a SELECT command easily
     returns the data.
     SELECT custid, MAX(transdate) FROM Transmaster GROUP BY custid
     custid     MAX (tra
     ---------- --------
            100 07/25/95
            101 08/17/95
            102 05/19/95
            103 07/12/95
            104 08/06/95
            105 07/13/95
            106 07/29/95
            107 08/22/95
     We can't add other columns to the list of columns to display, however,
     as we'd need to group by the other columns or use them in an aggregate
     function. Grouping by the other columns doesn't give the desired
     results, it changes the uniqueness qualifiers. Using the other
     columns, such as invoicetotal, in aggregate functions doesn't work
     either; we don't get all the information from the same
     row_MAX(invoicetotal) is not necessarily on the same row as
     2. We need to use the MAX(transdate) in a WHERE clause to qualify the
     rows. The WHERE clause, WHERE transdate = MAX(transdate), is invalid,
     however. An aggregate function can only be used in the SELECT column
     list or in a HAVING clause, and must be used with a GROUP BY. We can
     use MAX(transdate) in a sub-SELECT and compare to transdate in the
     WHERE clause.
     The command, SELECT MAX(transdate) FROM Transmaster GROUP BY custid,
     generates a list of dates, one for each customer. The list of dates
     can be compared to the date column. An exception to the aggregate
     function rule and GROUP BY is where you select only the function
     result. The SELECT then can return a single value with no ambiguity.
     We don't need to include custid in the SELECT command.
     SELECT * +
     FROM Transmaster +
     WHERE transdate IN +
          (SELECT MAX(transdate) +
           FROM Transmaster +
           GROUP BY custid) +
     ORDER BY custid
     transid  custid   empid    transdate netamount
     -------- -------- -------- --------- ------------
         5080      100      133 07/25/95       $800.00
         5000      101      102 08/17/95       $290.00
         4865      102      129 05/19/95       $291.25
         4970      103      131 07/12/95     $1,522.50
         5070      104      129 08/06/95    $95,500.00
         4780      105      160 07/13/95       $100.00
         5065      106      160 07/29/95     $1,403.00
         5085      107      131 08/22/95    $74,250.00
     3. The command returns what looks like correct data. But, in actual
     fact, we get the data for any row where the transaction date value
     matches one of the maximum transaction date values, even if that date
     is not the maximum date for a customer. You might get the correct data
     one day, add records, and the next day the data returned is wrong.
     Look at the following data set, for example. There are two rows for
     customer #101. Customer #101 has a data record where the value for
     transdate matches the last transdate value for another customer,
     customer #100.
     transid  custid   empid    transdate netamount
     -------- -------- -------- --------  ------------
         5080      100      133 07/25/95       $800.00
         5000      101      102 08/17/95       $290.00
         4975      101      102 07/25/95       $875.00
         4865      102      129 05/19/95       $291.25
         4970      103      131 07/12/95     $1,522.50
         5070      104      129 08/06/95    $95,500.00
         4780      105      160 07/13/95       $100.00
         5065      106      160 07/29/95     $1,403.00
         5085      107      131 08/22/95    $74,250.00
     The sub-SELECT just makes a list of values and the command can
     retrieve extra data. This is where the data you loaded into your test
     database is important. If you don't think of all possible data
     combinations and don't have data that meets a particular condition,
     you might think the command in Step 2 returns correct data every time.
     To compare to just the rows for the same customer you use a correlated
     sub-SELECT. A correlated sub-SELECT connects the row in the sub-SELECT
     to the row of data being displayed. 
     SELECT * +
     FROM Transmaster +
     WHERE transdate = +
          (SELECT MAX(transdate) +
           FROM Transmaster t2 +
           WHERE t2.custid = transmaster.custid) +
     ORDER BY custid
     transid  custid   empid    transdate netamount
     -------- -------- -------- --------- ------------
         5080      100      133 07/25/95       $800.00
         5000      101      102 08/17/95       $290.00
         4865      102      129 05/19/95       $291.25
         4970      103      131 07/12/95     $1,522.50
         5070      104      129 08/06/95    $95,500.00
         4780      105      160 07/13/95       $100.00
         5065      106      160 07/29/95     $1,403.00
         5085      107      131 08/22/95    $74,250.00
     Also, the GROUP BY is no longer used in the sub-SELECT. We are
     returning only one value_the maximum for a single customer. The GROUP
     BY is not required when a single value is returned by an aggregate
     function. As each row in the Transmaster table is selected, the
     sub-SELECT computes the MAX(transdate) value for the customer id on
     that row in the table and then compares the transdate column to that
     value. If the values match, the row is displayed. Notice that the
     transmaster table is used both in the sub-SELECT and in the SELECT
     command that retrieves and displays the data. The transmaster table in
     the sub-SELECT is given an alias name or correlation name. This tells
     R:BASE to treat the transmaster table in the sub-SELECT as a different
     copy of the table. The two copies of the table are then linked in the
     WHERE clause of the sub-SELECT.
     We get the desired results and aren't limited in the data we can
     display. This same technique can be used to find the last record for
     any number of conditions. All you need is a column to "group by" and
     a column that identifies the last record.