     Working With ASCII Files
     PRODUCT:   R:BASE                    VERSION :  ALL
     CATALOG:   Programming In R:BASE     AREA    :  Logic and Data Manipulation
     Databases often need to share data with other programs. The easiest way to
     transfer data between different programs is to use ASCII files. Most every
     software product has the ability to read data from or export data to an 
     ASCII file. There are two main types of ASCII files that are used for 
     transferring data: delimited and fixed. R:BASE can easily create or read 
     either one. Make sure the file type and format you use matches the 
     requirements of both programs. 
     The R:BASE Import/export utility (FileGateway) is a menu drive program for
     importing and exporting data. You can create and read both delimited and 
     fixed ASCII files using it. This article discusses creating and reading 
     ASCII files using the R:BASE programming language rather than the 
     Import/export utility.
     ASCII Delimited File
     An ASCII delimited file is a file where the different data items or fields
     are separated by commas and text items are enclosed in double quotes. Each
     row of data is on a single row in the file, and each row in the file ends 
     with a carriage return, line feed. There are no blank spaces required 
     between data items, just the comma to separate them. In a delimited file, 
     you count commas to find the different data items. The second item follows
     the first comma. The last name in the example below is designated as the 
     third item, for example. A sample file might look like this:
     Note that each row can be a different length depending on the data itself.
     The text items have double quotes around them as well as commas between the 
     fields. Number and date fields do not have quotes.  Some programs will put
     all the items in quotes; some won't put any item in quotes. The standard 
     ASCII delimited file has commas between data items and text items in double 
     quotes. Text items are generally enclosed in quotes because they may contain 
     commas as part of the data. If you don't put the text in quotes, then 
     programs can't tell if the comma is actual data or is delimiting fields.
     Making an ASCII delimited file
     In R:BASE, use the UNLOAD and LOAD commands to create and read ASCII 
     delimited files. R:BASE creates the file using your current QUOTE and 
     DELIMIT settings (usually ' and ,), but you can change these values to 
     meet the requirements of other programs. You need to pay particular 
     attention to your QUOTE character. The default QUOTE character in R:BASE is 
     a single quote; in delimited ASCII files the default is double quotes. In 
     most instances, you change your QUOTE character to double quotes to export
     or import a delimited ASCII file, then change it back to the normal single
     The UNLOAD command creates a delimited ASCII file with data from a table or 
     from a view. The following sequence of commands will export the data from 
     the customer table in the Concomp sample database as an ASCII delimited file 
     with double quotes around text fields. The AS ASCII option on the UNLOAD 
     command formats the data as ASCII delimited.
     -- change the QUOTE setting to double
     -- open a DOS file to hold the data
     OUTPUT customer.del
     -- put the data in the file
     -- close the file
     -- change the QUOTE setting back to single
     The delimiter character used by R:BASE when creating a delimited ASCII file 
     is the current DELIMIT character, usually a comma (,). It is easy to build
     a command file that will create an ASCII delimited file with a different 
     delimiter between data fields. For example, to make an ASCII delimited file 
     with fields separated by a "#" and text enclosed in single quotes use the 
     following code:
     -- set variables to easily change the DELIMIT character
     SET VAR vpound = (CHAR(35))
     SET VAR vcomma = (CHAR(44))
     -- change the DELIMIT character to #
     SET DELIMIT = .vpound
     -- open a DOS file to hold the data
     OUTPUT empdata.del
     -- put the data in the file
     -- close the file
     -- change the DELIMIT setting back to a comma
     SET DELIMIT = .vcomma
     The file that is generated is shown in Figure 1 on page _:
     If you don't know what the current settings for QUOTE and DELIMIT are, use
     the CVAL function to query the database for the current setting. These 
     settings are stored in the database and are reset each time a database is 
     connected. This code creates a delimited ASCII file with the specified 
     QUOTE and DELIMIT settings regardless of the current settings for those 
     special characters. 
     -- set variables to change and reset the character
     SET VAR vpound = (CHAR(35)) +
             vdouble_quote = (CHAR(34)) +
             vdelimit=DELIMIT +
             vquote = QUOTES
     -- R:BASE lets you set a variable to a single word TEXT value without
     -- using quotes around the TEXT value so you can retrieve settings
     -- with the CVAL function. 
     SET VAR vdefault_delimit = (CVAL(.vdelimit))
     SET VAR vdefault_quote = (CVAL(.vquote))
     -- change the characters
     SET DELIMIT = .vpound
     SET QUOTE = .vdouble_quote
     -- open a DOS file to hold the data
     OUTPUT empdata.del
     -- put the data in the file
     -- close the file
     -- change the settings back to their original values
     SET DELIMIT = .vdefault_delimit
     SET QUOTE = .vdefault_quote
     Loading an ASCII delimited file
     ASCII delimited files can be imported into a table using the LOAD command.
     For example, employee data in the file empdata.del shown in Figure 2 is 
     added to the employee table in the Concomp database with the LOAD command 
     sequence shown below: 
     LOAD employee FROM empdata.del
     If the software generating the ASCII file lets you specify settings, 
     create the file using single quotes around the data items. Then you don't 
     need to change your QUOTE setting in R:BASE. But, R:BASE does make it easy
     to change your QUOTE and DELIMIT setting depending on the requirements of 
     the other software. They can be changed for exporting the data to an ASCII
     file, or for loading the data from an ASCII file.
     You don't need to use the optional AS ASCII clause on the LOAD command to 
     load a delimited ASCII file. The AS ASCII clause provides for faster 
     loading, but turns off some of the built-in error checking of the LOAD 
     command. When using the AS ASCII option, for example, invalid data types do 
     not return an error, rather the field is loaded as NULL with no notification 
     to the user. Only use the AS ASCII option when you are sure you have no 
     errors in the data to be loaded. 
     ASCII Fixed Field File
     An ASCII fixed field file doesn't have commas between the data items. Each
     item starts in a specific column. There may not even be a blank between 
     different data items. As with a delimited file, each row of data in the 
     file corresponds to a row of data in the database. In a fixed ASCII file, 
     the phone number field, for example, always starts in column 31. Each row 
     in a fixed field ASCII file is the exact same length. A fixed field ASCII 
     file looks like this:
     133 Peter        Coffin       206-624-512611/26/83
     160 Mary         Simpson      206-881-800806/01/84
     165 Darnell      Williams     206-249-552307/05/89
     166 John         Chou         206-481-180107/10/89
     167 Sandi        Watson       206-881-100807/10/89
     A fixed field file is always columnar. Programs know to find the data by 
     looking in specific column locations. 
     Making an ASCII fixed field file
     R:BASE creates and reads fixed field files using the SELECT and the LOAD 
     commands. If the file will have fewer than 255 characters per row, you can
     use a report to create the file. Fixed field ASCII files often require the
     data to be formatted in certain ways. For example, integer numbers may be 
     required to be 10 digits with zeros filling the unused spaces. Either 
     picture formats in a report or the FORMAT function can be used for this. 
     Using a report
     To create a fixed field ASCII file from a report, locate the columns or 
     variables on a single detail line in the desired column locations. You can't 
     have any wrapping fields. There are no header or footer lines of any kind,
     just a single detail line. Only fields are located, there is no literal text 
     on the report. Format the fields as desired. Set the lines per page to 0 in 
     Page Settings under Layout. Answer Yes to the question Remove initial 
     carriage return. Then, print the report to a file. 
     Using a report to create a fixed field ASCII file works well when your 
     data row will be less than 255 characters wide. When you have more data, 
     use the SELECT command to generate the data to put in the file.
     Using the SELECT command
     The SELECT command has a number of options for formatting the output. An 
     option that is often used when creating a fixed field file is to specify the 
     display width for each field. All data types have a default display width 
     that displays all the data in the field except for NOTE fields. NOTE fields 
     automatically wrap at 15 characters unless a display width is specified. The 
     display width for DATE and TIME fields automatically adjusts to the defined 
     In addition to the display width for each field, you need to adjust the 
     display width for the row. The default WIDTH setting is 79; it is set for 
     screen display. The maximum value for the WIDTH setting is 5000. Set the 
     width large enough to accommodate a full row of data. 
     With SELECT, R:BASE automatically puts a space between each field, and one
     at the beginning of the line. For example, to create a fixed field ASCII 
     file about transaction information, use the following commands:
     -- turn off column name display
     -- set the row width
     SET WIDTH 100
     -- create the file
     OUTPUT trans.fix
     SELECT LJS(CTXT(transid),6)=6, SUM(extprice)=12     + 
      FROM transdetail GROUP BY transid ORDER BY transid 
     The output looks like this:
      4760    $27,000.00
      4780     $9,500.00
      4790    $76,800.00
      4795   $176,000.00
      4800    $99,750.00
     The default space between fields can be adjusted for by using the field 
     width specification. Many programs, however, cannot correctly read an ASCII 
     fixed field file with a leading space at the beginning of a line. The 
     leading space could not be removed until R:BASE 4.5 Plus!. R:BASE 4.5 Plus! 
     has a variable, MICRORIM_SELMARGIN, that specifies the beginning column in
     which data is written with the SELECT command. This lets you create fixed 
     field ASCII files with the data beginning in column 1 of the file. 
     -- set the initial column for data
     SET VAR microrim_selmargin=1
     -- turn off column name display
     -- set the row width
     SET WIDTH 100
     -- create the file
     OUTPUT trans.fix
     SELECT LJS(CTXT(transid),6)=6, SUM(extprice)=12         + 
      FROM transdetail GROUP BY transid ORDER BY transid 
     The output now looks like this, no leading space on each row.
     4760    $27,000.00
     4780     $9,500.00
     4790    $76,800.00
     4795   $176,000.00
     4800    $99,750.00
     Here's an example of a SELECT command that zero fills the customer number 
     and exports the first 60 characters of the NOTE field data. The data comes
     from the Contact table in the Concomp sample database. The custid column is 
     left justified to remove the leading space reserved for the plus/minus sign. 
     SET VAR microrim_selmargin=1
     SET WIDTH 500
     OUTPUT contact.fix
     SELECT (LJS(FORMAT(custid,'00000000'),8))=8, contfname, +
       contlname=12, contphone=12, (SGET(continfo,60,1))=60 +
       FROM contact
     SET WIDTH 79
     Figure 3 shows the the data in the file contact.fix that is created with the 
     select command..
     Loading an ASCII fixed field file
     One of the new features of R:BASE 4.5 Plus! is an option on the LOAD command 
     to load fixed field ASCII files. This simplifies programming significantly
     because the command is included in an application and data imported without 
     having to use FileGateway, a data entry form or prompts!
     The new LOAD command option is AS FORMATTED. When using this option, you 
     follow the keywords AS FORMATTED with column names to load and their 
     corresponding start and end locations in the file.
     For example, the employee data in the file empdata.fix shown in Figure 4 is 
     added to the employee table in the Concomp database with the LOAD command 
     shown below: 
     LOAD employee FROM empdata.fix AS FORMATTED USING                     + 
       empid 1 3, emptitle 4 12, empfname 13 18, emplname 19 26,       + 
       empaddress 27 48 empcity 49 58, empstate 59 60, empzip 61 65,  + 
       empphone 66 77, empext 78 80, hiredate 81 88, entrydate 89 96           
     Note that columns which are not specified in the column list are loaded as
     null. If the column is defined as an autonumber column, new values will 
     automatically be assigned as each row is added to the table; don't include
     it in the column list. If an autonumber column is included in the column 
     list, R:BASE will expect to find data for it in the fixed field file and 
     will load the autonumber column with the data in the file.