     PRODUCT:  R:BASE                   VERSION :  3.1 or Higher
     CATALOG:  Data Manipulation        AREA    :  Date & Time        
     R:BASE offers a number of functions to manipulate data and time values 
     in addition to the standard date and time arithmetic. By working with 
     date and time data you can calculate ages, elapsed time, add months and 
     years, etc. The current date and time are always available in R:BASE in 
     the system variables #DATE and #TIME.
     Date arithmetic
     There is a specific set of arithmetic operations that can be performed 
     on date values. You can add or subtract a specified number of days to 
     a DATE value returning a DATE. You can subtract one DATE value from 
     another returning a number of days (INTEGER). All other date 
     operations are done through using one of the date functions. Often 
     a combination of date arithmetic and date functions are used to 
     perform data manipulations on dates.
       DATE1 + days = DATE2
       DATE1 - days = DATE2
       DATE1 - DATE2 = days 
     Date arithmetic can be used in computed columns, form and report 
     expressions, custom program code, and WHERE clauses. One use for 
     date arithmetic is calculating a person's age. Use the expression 
       ((.#DATE -birth_date)/365.25)
     Subtract the person's birthdate from today's date returning the 
     number of days between the two dates. Divide the number of days 
     by 365.25 (the number of days in a year) to return the person's
     age in years, 365.25 is used to account for leap years.
     Date arithmetic can also be used to calculate callback dates. To 
     callback in 2 weeks (14 days) use the expression
       (call_date +14)
     The expression adds 14 days to the original date value and returns 
     the date on which to make the callback.
     Date Functions
     Date functions can be used in computed columns, form and report 
     expressions, custom program code, and WHERE clauses.
     The RDATE function is used to convert integer values for the month, 
     day and year to an R:BASE DATE data type. All three values are 
     required. If any are zero the result is a NULL; zero is not a valid 
     value for a day, month or year. The RDATE function also requires a
     4-digit year value. The arguments of the function can be literal 
     values, variables or expressions, but they must be INTEGER.
     For example:
       SET VAR vdate = (RDATE(6,19,1993)) 
       returns the date value 6/19/93 
       SET VAR vday INTEGER=19, +
        vmonth INTEGER=6, +
        vyr INTEGER=93
       SET VAR vdate = +
       (RDATE( (.vmonth+1),.vday,(.vyr+1900) ) ) 
       returns 7/19/93
     The JDATE function converts a DATE data type to a Julian date 
     (1900-1999 only). A Julian date displays a date in the form YYDDD, 
     the last 2 digits of the year followed by the day of the year (1 
     through 365). The argument of the function can be a literal value, 
     variable or expression; but must be a DATE.
     For example:
       SET VAR vjdate = (JDATE('1/1/93')) 
       returns 93001 
       SET VAR vdate DATE = '6/19/93'
       SET VAR vjdate = (JDATE(.vdate)) 
       returns 93170, 6/19 is the 170th day of 1993
     A Julian date can be converted to a regular DATE data type by using 
     a conversion program from our UDF pack #3, or by writing custom code 
     in R:BASE. The custom code uses string manipulation functions and the 
     RDATE function. Here's an example of code that prompts for a date 
     value, converts it to a Julian date and then converts the Julian date 
     back to a Gregorian date.
       CLE ALL VAR
       FILLIN vdate1 USING 'Enter a date '
       SET VAR vjdate = (JDATE(.vdate1))
       SET VAR vjdate_text = (CTXT(.vjdate)), +
        vyr = (SGET(.vjdate_text,2,1)), +
        vday = (SGET(.vjdate_text,3,3))
       SET VAR vyr INTEGER, vday INTEGER
       SET VAR vdate2 = +
        ((RDATE(01,01,(.vyr+1900))) + (.vday-1) )
       WRITE 'Date 1: ',.vdate1, +
       ' Julian date: ',.vjdate,' Date 2: ',.vdate2
     The IDAY function extracts the day of the month from a DATE value. 
     The argument of the function can be a literal value, variable or 
     expression; but must be a DATE. For example:
       SET VAR vday = ((IDAY('6/19/93')) 
       returns the value 19
       SET VAR vday = (IDAY('06/19/93') + 7) 
       returns the value 26
     The IDWK and TDWK functions are used to calculate the day of the week 
     a particular DATE value falls on. IDWK returns the day of the week 
     as an INTEGER, with Monday =1 and Sunday = 7. TDWK returns the TEXT 
     day of the week. The argument of the function can be a literal value, 
     variable or expression; but must be a DATE.
     For example;
     SET VAR vweekday = (IDWK('6/19/93'))
     returns 6
     SET VAR vweekday = (TDWK('6/19/93'))
     returns Saturday
     The IMON and TMON functions extract the month from a DATE value. IMON 
     returns the INTEGER representation of the month, January =1; TMON 
     returns the TEXT value of the month. The argument of the function can 
     be a literal value, variable or expression; but must be a DATE.
     For example:
       SET VAR vmonth = (IMON('6/19/93')) returns 6
       SET VAR vmonth = (TMON('6/19/93')) returns June
     Medical offices often send birthday cards to patients. Using the IMON 
     function, labels can easily be printed for everyone with a birthday 
     this month.
       PRINT cards WHERE (IMON(birth_date)) = (IMON(.#DATE))
     The IYR function extracts the year from a DATE value. It returns 
     either a 2-digit or 4-digit value depending on the setting of the 
     DATE FORMAT. The argument of the function can be a literal value, 
     variable or expression; but must be a DATE.
       SET VAR vyr = (IYR('6/19/93')) 
       returns 93
       SET VAR vyr = (IYR('6/19/1993')) 
       returns 93
       SET VAR vyr = (IYR('6/19/93')) 
       returns 1993
       SET VAR vyr = (IYR('6/19/1993')) 
       returns 1993
     To locate all employees who turn 65 sometime this year you could use 
     the IYR function in the following command:
       SELECT empid, empfname, emplname +
       FROM employee +
       WHERE ( IYR(.#DATE) - IYR(birth_date) ) = 65
     Time arithmetic
     There is a specific set of arithmetic operations that can be performed 
     on time values. You can add or subtract a specified number of seconds 
     to a TIME value returning a TIME. You can subtract one TIME value from 
     another returning a number of seconds (INTEGER). All other time 
     operations are use one of the time functions. Often a combination of 
     time arithmetic and time functions is used to perform data manipulation. 
     Time can be displayed in either a 24 hour or AM/PM format; time 
     arithmetic and time functions can be done with either format, but is 
     best done using the 24 hour format. 
       TIME1 + seconds = TIME2
       TIME1 - seconds = TIME2
       TIME1 - TIME2 = seconds 
     Time arithmetic can be used in computed columns, form and report 
     expressions, custom program code, and WHERE clauses. Time arithmetic 
     is often used to calculate elapsed time. The difference between two 
     times is a number of seconds. Divide the number of seconds by 60 to 
     find minutes, and the minutes by 60 to find hours. See the article 
     "Calculate Elapsed Time" in the January/February 1993 Exchange 
     Technical Journal for details on calculating elapsed time -- Document 
     #681 on our automated FAX server (1-206-649-2789). 
     Time functions
     Time functions can be used in computed columns, form and report 
     expressions, custom program code, and WHERE clauses.
     The RTIME function converts integer values representing hours, 
     minutes and seconds to a TIME data type. The RTIME function is used 
     to convert a number of seconds into an hours:minutes:seconds format. 
     You do not need values for all arguments of the RTIME function, some 
     can be zero. Zero can be a valid value for hours, minutes or seconds. 
     The arguments of the function can be literal values, variables or 
     expressions, but they must be INTEGER.
     For example:
       SET VAR vtime =(RTIME(10,32,57)) 
       returns 10:32:57 or 10:32AM
       SET VAR vtime =(RTIME(14,23,0)) 
       returns 14:23:00 or 2:23PM
       SET VAR vseconds = +
         (.vstart_time - .vend_time)
       SET VAR vtime = +
       returns elapsed time in HH:MM:SS
     The IHR function extracts the hour portion of a TIME value. The hour 
     is returned as an INTEGER. Hours are always returned in 24 hour format, 
     2:00AM returns 2, 2:00PM returns 14. The argument of the function can 
     be a literal value, variable or expression; but must be TIME.
     For example:
       SET VAR vhr = (IHR(12:15:30)) 
       returns 12
     The IMIN function extracts the minutes portion of a TIME value. The 
     minutes are returned as an INTEGER value. The argument of the function 
     can be a literal value, variable or expression; but must be TIME.
     For example:
       SET VAR vminutes = (IMIN(12:15:30)) 
       returns 15
     The ISEC function extracts the seconds portion of a TIME value. The 
     seconds are returned as an INTEGER value. The argument of the function 
     can be a literal value, variable or expression; but must be TIME.
     For example:
       SET VAR vsec = (ISEC(12:15:30)) 
       returns 30